Johnathan Livingston Podcast?

While it was published before many of my listeners were alive, Johnathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach was considered a transcendent meditation on life safe enough for the masses during the 1970s. It was “touchy feely” at its finest. I personally found the book more accessible than another work in the same genre’ around that time called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig, which has weathered the storm better over the years. Both books were notable examples of semi-spiritual writing.

Groovyman Ministries is all spiritual. Just because I am not a biblical scholar and don’t really quote scripture from the Christian Bible does not mean I shy away from its teachings as I interpret them. What I do share in common with “pop spiritualism” however, is that I am not interested in converting or evangelizing anyone with my spoken meditations. What works for you works for you and if it does not work for you what works for me might work for you but that is not for me to decide, ever. My only hope for you is that you will look up instead of down after listening. I am about flight, not failure.